Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface, and is vital for all known forms of life. "Every drop counts". A
special on “Water Conservation” was conducted at The assembly was very informative as well as entertaining.
The students presented their views through 'a shloka', thought, speech and a motivational skit.
All the students took a pledge to "save the precious gift of Mother Nature i.e. Water".
One thing is sure; in future we are going to get shortage of clean water. In India you can see water
shortage in every state, whether it’s capital of India, Delhi or a village of Bihar. People can’t get clean
water easily. Here are some water facts to remember:
Less than 1% of the earth’s water is suitable for drinking
- More than a billion people around the globe survive on just over 1 gallon (4 liters) of water per day
- Potentially more than 3 billion people may suffer from water shortages by the year 2025
- 66% of the human body is water
- A person can only live without water for approximately one week
Some of Facts about, How valuable clean Water are:
- More than 4 million people died due to water related diseases.
- 98% of water realted diseases occured in developing countries.
- It takes about 300 litres of water to make the paper for just one
Sunday newspaper. So use paper as less as you can, use E-mail and electronic sources more:
- On average, women in Africa and Asia have to walk 3.7 miles to collect water. It can be more in rural
villages of India.
- In India alone, water born diseases cost the economy 73 million working days per year.
- Global sales of bottled water account for over $60-$80 billion each year.
- A child dies of water born diseases about every 15 Seconds.
How to save water without changing your lifestyle
The average household consumes approximately 240lt of water per person per day. That means that for a
household with four people in it, 960lt of water is used every day which equates to 350’400lt per year!
Simple was to save Water Conservation which were shared at the awareness program:
- Use your washing machine only when it is filled to its total capacity. You can save about 4500 litres
per month in this process. Besides saving water, this method is also helpful
- Avoid using a shower for bathing. Try using a bucket instead. This will help you save about 150-200
litres every day.
- Turn off the tap while brushing and save more than 200 litres of water every month.
- Stop participating in Holi. As we all know, a massive quantity of water is wasted during this festival.
- Don't drink water if you are not thirsty.
- Use sprinklers to water the plants provided you have a large garden.
- Ensure that your home has no leakages. Also check whether all water bottles are closed properly.
- Use small glasses for drinking water. The smaller the container, the less consumption of water.
- Whenever you waste water, just think about those millions of people who still struggle to save every
drop of water for their survival.
- Lastly, spread awareness regarding water conservation.