
The 'Ecology Club': Many girls take part in conservation and ecology activities, which include ' Kids for Tigers', 'Climate Change Workshops', Paper-Recycling and Garbage and water Management.

There is a very well known saying "healthy minds lives within healthy body". We all know fresh air not only gives us healthy lungs with healthy body but also produce healthy mind too.

"Plant a tree India" is very much concerned about youngsters. We believe that Youngsters are just like a budding plant, if not nurtured now then loses its chance to become a full fledge tree. So with keeping this concern in our minds we designed this project for them only.

We want young buds to grow in healthy environment and for a healthy environment it's necessary to have healthy surroundings. So in this regard we are always ready to give support and assistance for campus plantation because campuses of the schools or of institutions are the places where students invest most of their effective time. Under this project our team of experts will visit the campus and develop best possible design for plantation in the campus with the involvement of concerning authorities.

After developing design for plantation our experts will happily help them throughout the campus plantation, they will also help the authorities up in selecting best plant species as per requirements of project. During all these efforts we'll invite involvement of students and we will also conduct environment classes for them within the campus to tell them how their small efforts towards this noble cause can bring a big difference in the present scenario. Through this way the youngsters will not only raise their involvement in some healthy exercise but it will also make them learn about team work, about their environment, about economy and of course fill them up with sense of responsibility, love and compassion.

So turning the campus green and beautiful is our endeavor for a healthier future.

Good to Know
Research has shown that those Kids who garden eat more vegetables. Even more studies have found that students who grew plants scored about 12% higher on academic tests, compared with those who didn't.

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