How We Help

In the wake of India’s fast changing economic landscapes, there are still shocking disparities that exist between the financially wealthy and the country’s poor. Almost 25% of our population still lives below poverty line, which official World Bank figures pin at $1.25 a day. To achieve higher rates of poverty reduction, India will need to address the inequality opportunities that impede poor people from participating in the growth process.

India accounts for one-third of the world’s 1.4 billion poor people. Around 43% of all Indian children are malnourished and a third of the world’s total. Over 35% of Indians are illiterate, and more than 20 million children are out of school. Women and child issues are to be a strong point for our concentrated efforts. As the first sections of society to be adversely effected, we want to work towards the improvement of their lives and living conditions, to help them fight disease and illness, and to also sustainably improve and equip them with professional skills.

Hundreds of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are today producing results in almost every country, supporting the poorest of the world’s poor to become self-sufficient. Using a variety of proven, effective methods, many of these organizations exhibit the most efficient use of resources and the most effective management practices of any human endeavor. They are heroically fighting to eradicate poverty, end starvation, clean up the environment, end injustice, and foster the conditions necessary for peaceful societies.

Most of these NGOs are under-funded and under-appreciated for the excellent work they do, and cannot reach all the people who desperately need their services. Their accomplishments do not get the kind of media attention they deserve, and a lack of commitment to fully funding and publicizing their activities, obscures the opportunity these NGOs have to create an abundant and peaceful world.

How PCF Works

At the Pink Chain Foundation, we intend to use the wide variety of tools available to us to help raise funds for the causes we identify with. We would therefore invite sponsors at private, individual and organization levels, to be a part of our process and help us with any of the causes and NGOs that come under the wide gamut of our organization.

By organizing special events, marketing strategies and product sales, the PCF hopes to raise funds for causes and partner with NGOs and causes close to our heart. Fashion shows, auctions, food fairs, exhibitions, parties, galas, benefit concert and sporting events are some of the popular fundraising methods we will use. All the proceeds then go towards one of the causes we support. We are currently collaborating with NGOs such as Janmadhyam, Make a Wish Foundation and Indian Cancer Society, Prashanti amongst others.

We are constantly researching and open to developing new opportunities. Our ‘out of the box’ strategies mean, constant include brainstorming for new opportunities, programs and plans. We provide innovate ideas, ventures and thoughts with each partner we work with suited to their individual requirements, to raise sufficient and more funds to assist them in fulfilling their commitments for their causes.

We will however focus only on a few issues at a time, because we think that’s the best way to have greater impact. And the issues we choose to focus on in particular will be the ones we think are the biggest barriers that prevent people from making the most of their lives.

Our foundation envisions to team up with partners across India to take on tough problems, such as helping poor and homeless children and providing basic education or women battling with cancer. We, however, focus only on a few issues at one time because we think that’s the best way to have great impact, and we focus on these issues in particular because we think they are the biggest barriers that prevent people from making the most of their lives.

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