
In keeping with the motto of the School, Social Service plays a significant role in the extra-curricular activities that are undertaken by the students. Children make frequent visits to various institutions for voluntary service. They also collect funds from within the school and organize charity shows, for various relief organizations.

Mother Teresa's Orphanage: The girls interact with and try to aid the children of the orphanage, emotionally, if not financially. Their weekly visits are greatly cherished by both.

Apna School: for the physically and the mentally handicapped: Children and staff visit every week,

Home for the mentally handicapped: A customary weekly visit to this institution is greatly looked forward to by the children. This is an important experience which has taught the children to understand and include the "differently abled", even if society has not.

Prem Dham for the elderly : Prem Dham, a home for the aged, has been set up by Help age, India, very close to school. Weekly visits are paid to Prem Dham to offer the aged a listening ear and a helping hand. On festivals students take sweets and cards made by themselves and cherish the joy of sharing.

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