
As the New Session 2014 starts, our school in collaboration with British Council is acting as a mentor school for U.P. Govt.Girls School located in Sardhana, Mawana, Bhulandshar, Hapur, under the project K.G.B.V. During the last years we have been socially conscious and moved by the plight of begging children at traffic interjections and children of laborers working at construction sites with the determination to lessen the miseries of these children and the marginalized community. Thus, we started a Program called "RASTA" where we concentrated on education of these children and gradually started extending its activities to other fields like health, sanitation, AIDS awareness, R.T.I, Gender equates, income generation etc.

Rasta has educated over 500 under privileged children. Rasta has been successful in mainstreaming approximately many children since its evolution. Children are provided extra inputs in studies to come-up at par with other students in formal schools through remedial education classes and distribution of books.

The motive of the project is the upliftment and making students of these schools self reliant continuous philanthropic endeavours are also the part of the project, note-book distribution is one of them.

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