06 June, 2016 New delhi

The nature rejuvenates;
The blowing spring comes;
With glamour earth overflows;
Environment blossoms;

This summer holiday was to make students aware of the importance of the surroundings and environment, a plantation drive was launched in the month of June. The students participated enthusiastically in the drive.

Braving the scorching summer heat a tree plantation cum social service programme .The day's programme was organized by "LeTz pAiNt tHe EaRtH gReEn," in connection with the Word Environment Day which will celebrating across the globe on Sunday.

They planted samplings in the school and nearby places of the school. The drive not only created awareness among students but also among the residents of the area. The idea of associating with such an encouraging move is to contribute something in our village level for the global cause as we all belong to this planet earth.

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